alirpunkto project

Thank you for your interest in the activities of CosmoPolitical Cooperative SCE! Here is the right place for you to register

The CosmoPolitical Cooperative supports individuals and transforms the existing economic, social and political system towards a radically just, sustainable, democratic and happy society, the Society of Agreement.

Below you will find the start of the registration process to join us. We propose two levels of participation, with increasing obligations and rights:

  • as an Ordinary Member of our Community, with a simple registration process, no financial commitments, but no voting rights; or
  • as a Cooperator, a full member of our Cooperative, with a registration process ensuring that a given person can register once only (to heed the democratic principle "one person = one vote") and that only citizens of the European Union having reached their majority age are Cooperators, with the commitment to purchase at least one share and to pay a yearly contribution, and full voting rights. The European Union is the geographic scope of our work (see why)

The registration process includes the following steps:

  1. we verify that the e-mail address was provided by you, a human (and not by a robot);
  2. we ask you for your pseudonym, password and preferred language(s) for interaction with you;
  3. in the case when you registered as an Ordinary Member of the Community, you have finished and enter our Community. In the case when you registered as a Cooperator, the process continues so that we can verify that you comply with the conditions set above to be a Cooperator.

This verification is done as follows:

  1. we ask you for your identity details: your given name(s) and family name(s), your date of birth;
  2. we ask a few existing members of the Cooperative (your Verifiers) to verify that the information on your official identiy document matches the one you provided in the previous step, on the basis of a direct exchange of e-mails or of a videoconference meeting with you;
  3. once they have confirmed this match, you will be welcomed as a Cooperator, with full rights - once you have purchased at least one share and paid your yearly contribution to our operations.

Please start your registration now! We look forward to welcoming you in our activities.